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Churnet Valley Railway News

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Trespass Sunday 20th February 2023

01/03/2023 (2 years ago)   General News

Sadly again some members of the public believe its perfectly acceptable to trespass on the railway. The images below are taken from both our CCTV and passengers on board our train.

Some people don’t  understand that even a heritage railway such as ours will kill. This is not  scaremongering, or bullying we are stating facts.

There is no excuse for this blatant act of trespass, the kids in the pictures tore apart a fence with some tools they carried with them. We can renew and repair fencing but one day we will not get to it in time and the consequences will be fatal.

Equally some residents believe they are at liberty to blatantly destroy protective equipment on our level crossing at Leekbrook.