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Churnet Valley Railway News

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Theft Response

10/09/2020 (4 years ago)   General News

Further to our post from yesterday in relation to the thefts, we are very grateful for the number of shares of this post which allows us to reach a much wider audience. Whilst we still remain doubtful of anyone being apprehended for this – we are grateful for the coverage this is receiving and it certainly puts us in a better position of hopefully someone knowing a piece of information which will ultimately be able to locate the culprit(s) 

Our thanks also go out to Staffordshire Police, who following our post reached out to us in a very positive manner, we sincerely hope following this contact that we will be better placed to report such incidents in the future.

Lastly again we would like to express our gratitude for the amount of ‘technical’ assistance we have been offered to prevent or at the very least notify us of a similar events in the future. We will be taking up some of those offers in the coming days.