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Churnet Valley Railway News

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Road Closed

04/03/2019 (6 years ago)   General News

For those of you looking to visit the Churnet Valley Railway in the coming weeks, we have been notified by the Council that they will be closing the road bridge over the Cauldon Canal at Basford Bridge Lane from 04/03/2019 whilst necessary repair work is completed. 

We advise those of you looking to enjoy your day to the fullest to join the train at Froghall anyway, however for those of you requiring to visit our Cheddleton Station then access is still possible from Station Road. If coming from the South then this will entail continuing past the mini-roundabout on the A520 down through the village of Cheddleton, and taking the right turn for Cheddleton Industrial Estate just after Castros Restaurant and Ocean’s Coffee House.

Coming from the North you will be required to take the first left turn after the speed camera on the descend towards Castros and Oceans on the A520.