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Churnet Valley Railway News

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14/07/2020 (4 years ago)   General News

Following our announcement on re-opening last week, we are excited to announce tickets are now available for our Post-Lockdown services! 

Having been unable to run services for over 4 months, we are looking forward to being able to welcome visitors back to our railway once more. However, there are some changes to how we operate, to fall in line with new government guidelines that have been introduced since we last operated. Most of these changes are listed here, though if you have a question you are unable to see the answer to then please don’t hesitate to contact our office via this link

Our operational staff have undergone crew training runs during this last week, which will continue as required. This is to ensure our staff have been given chance to familiarise themselves with operating a train service ahead of our public re-opening, as recommended by our operating regulator the Office of Road & Rail (ORR).

Public services will recommence from Saturday 1st August and will be operating every weekend and Wednesday throughout August and September, reducing to Weekend only services for October.

Part of our changes will see us offer just two return trips a day (a morning and an afternoon service), for which your ticket will entitle you to travel on one of these. All tickets must be pre-booked in order to ensure we can allocate you a seat to meet the new guidelines. An additional dining service is available on most afternoon services, but again this must be booked in advance.

 Tickets will be available to book from 14th July at 1500.