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NSRC Selected For Waitrose Community Matters

12/05/2015 (9 years ago)   Contributors Blog

Our supporting charity the North Staffordshire Railway Company (Ltd) 1978 is pleased to announce that we have been chosen as one of three local charities to be supported by the customers and staff of Waitrose, Leek, during the month of May as part of its monthly "Community Matters" scheme.

Whenever you shop at Waitrose's store on Buxton Road in Leek you will receive a token to place in one of three boxes representing a local good cause. The more tokens each cause receives, the bigger donation that cause receives at the end of the month,.

Therefore we request that as many of our supporter's  as possible shop as often as possible, and then drop their token in our box to help increase our share in a £1,000 pot. We are all most appreciative to Waitrose for selecting us for this month.