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Churnet Valley Railway News

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Author Returns For More Signing Days

27/04/2012 (12 years ago)   General News, Events
Local author Basil Jeuda returns to the Churnet Valley Railway in May to sign copies of his latest book, The North Staffordshire Railway in LMS Days, Vol 2.
This volume covers several major railway lines, including the Churnet Valley (from North Rode to Uttoxeter), aspects of Crewe Works, the lines from Crewe to Harecastle and Lawton to Sandbach, and the lines from Stoke to Cheadle, Derby, and Burton. The author looks at the origins of each line and focuses on the 1923 to 1947 period, the decline of existing industries and the rise of new ones, changes in and competition for passenger and goods traffic, and the impact on the local railway system of the Second World War. Also covered is the involvement of Railway Air Services at Meir aerodrome.
Basil will be signing copies of the book at Kingsley & Froghall Station on Saturday May 19, Sunday May 20 and Sunday May 27 between 9.30am and 2.30pm, and on Saturday May 26 between 12.30 and 2pm.