Book Now: THE POLAR EXPRESS™ Train Ride 2024

Catering and Commercial


Brief Job Role: Here at the Churnet Valley Railway we are always looking for new staff in all departments and that includes on our fine dining train "The Moorlander". 

Here you will learn as your ride, aboard our dining train we will train you to serve food and drink all while the train is moving. Although this can be challenging it is all the more rewarding to see the happy passengers faces when they are enjoying there four-course meal. You may even be asked to carry at that extra special role as you surprise that extra special passenger with ideas like, birthday cakes, balloons and anniversary surprises. 

Do not forget the Signal Tearooms!

Located at the base of the railway the Signal Tearooms is at Kingsley and Froghall Station.  Offering Light bites, Lunch lunches and even a sweet emporium so there is plenty for you to help with. 

We will train you in how to make a coffee with our new barista coffee machine. But here on the front line of the railway the only experience you need is a good smile and a happy attitude.   


Brief Job Role: Throughout the year we offer a huge variety of events, including a War in the Valley, Santa and Steam, Superheros and Princess to name a few. None of these would run without the vital input from our volunteer Commercial team who help with both the planning and implementation of all our special events.

Projects Past and Present: We have worked over the year on several large events from enthusiasts events to children's specials. The more recent large event was Paw Patrol in April 2018. This involved a huge effort from the staff for manning the ever expansive shop to helping the passengers to there seats. Over enthusiast events such as Steam Galas and Diesel Galas we will see a number of guest locomotives join the railway. Very often they pull special trains and take on the steep gradients to Ipstones and back. With these sort of events we need help in front of house, answering questions on the phone and taking over the phone booking. 

To be in Catering and Commercial you don't have to like railways. You just have to have a love for working with the public and seeing all your hard work pay off. 

If you would like to get involved then please fill in the attached document and send it back either by email or in the post or contact the office and we will be sure to help reach the department of our choice. 

Volunteer Recruitment Form